
About Loloi

A household name for its original, old-world designs, Loloi® combines different textures, patterns, colors, and materials to create a thoughtfully layered home. Based in Texas, the family-owned and led business partners with artisans in India to create their high-quality rugs and home accessories. A leading textile brand of crafted rugs, pillows, throws, home accessories, and wall art, our curated Loloi collection offers pieces that tie your space together with intention and set it apart. Serving a community of designers, decorators, and homebodies, Loloi brings new life to an old craft for those who appreciate and deeply care about the pieces sourced for their personal spaces. Bringing today’s homes to life with touches of centuries-old craftsmanship, Loloi rugs and pillows are handmade in India by proud artisans using time-honored traditions, whether dip dyeing wool or intricate hand weaving. A company steeped in artistry, Loloi rugs are of heirloom quality, along with a wide selection of framed wall art, throw pillows, poufs, and floor pillows.


Your Options with Loloi

Dive into the world of artisanal excellence with Loloi’s stunning array of area rugs, throw pillows, floor pillows, home accessories, and textile wall décor. Meticulously handcrafted by skilled artisans in India, discover hand-knotted wool area rugs with high-low geometric Moroccan-inspired patterns or wavy stripes with fringe detailing that perfectly complements bohemian aesthetics. Available in 5 x 8 and 8 x 10 sizes, the Loloi hand-tufted wool area rugs provide versatile style and lasting quality with neutral stone, beige, sand, oatmeal, and ivory hues with minimalist angular designs. Both rugged and soft to the touch, the handstitched animal hide area rugs showcase handwoven rayon and wool with authentic leather in latticework, symmetrical shape, and geometric patterns for California farmhouse and rustic chic interiors. Refined and sophisticated, the Loloi hand-loomed rayon and wool area rugs flaunt minimalistic hues and crosshatch patterns that fit any room from the living room to the bedroom. Power-loomed in Egypt from polyester and polypropylene, the textured stripe and abstract area rugs provide soft dimension and durability.

Transforming your space with vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and touchable textures, our Loloi throw pillows include 18 x 18 or 22 x 22 square and 13 x 21 or 13 x 35 rectangular lumbar sizes with cushioning polyfill inserts. Explore decorative toss pillow styles with removable covers featuring handmade cotton textures, geometric prints, hooked designs, ornamental stitching, faux animal hide, embroidery, tribal-inspired textures, fringe, metal embellishments, tassels, and pom-pom accents. The 36 x 36 oversized floor pillows create a stylish and cozy retreat in any area for sitting or making a design impact. With versatile accent poufs, browse a range of sizes and heights to fit your space with patchwork, textured stripes, blue tie-dye, and faux hide stitched covers that make the perfect addition for spare seating or a footrest.

Each art piece a masterpiece of its own— our Loloi framed wall art celebrates tradition, culture, textures, timeless beauty, and global charm. With artwork made in India and framed in America, choose matted and framed textiles with ombre fringe, wool palm leaf motifs, abstract geometrics, twisted yarns, layered petal-shape felt pieces, rainbow-like arches, mud cloth-inspired elements, beaded swirls, and embroidered botanical designs.