The City Mattress Blog

11 Signs You Need a New Mattress


rubbing sore neck in bed

Source: fizkes/

If you’re getting the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep every night that adults need, you spend up to a third of your day on your mattress. That’s why it’s essential to make sure you’re on the right one and replace it when needed. Here are eleven signs that a new mattress might be in order:

1. You Wake Up Feeling Stiff and Sore

If you wake up feeling stiff and sore, it may be a sign that your mattress no longer provides the support your body needs. A good mattress should help to keep your spine in alignment while you sleep. If it’s not doing that, it can lead to pain in the morning.

2. You Have Trouble Falling Asleep

If you have trouble falling asleep, it may be because your mattress is uncomfortable. A comfortable mattress should allow you to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep throughout the night. However, if you find yourself tossing and turning, it may be time for a new mattress.

3. You’re Tossing and Turning All Night

When you find yourself tossing and turning all night, it may be time for a new mattress. A comfortable mattress should allow you to sleep in any position without feeling uncomfortable. If you are constantly changing positions or waking up throughout the night, likely your mattress is not providing the support you need.

4. You Sleep Better at a Hotel Than at Home

Finding that you sleep better when you’re away from home could signal that your mattress no longer provides the level of comfort you need. When you’re on vacation, you’re likely to be more relaxed, which can lead to better sleep. So it’s time for a new mattress if you’re constantly sleeping better in a hotel bed than in your own, even on stressful or busy business trips.

stretching in bed

Source: Chinnapong/

5. You Can Feel Springs Poking Through the Mattress

If you can feel springs poking through the mattress, it’s definitely time for a new one. A quality innerspring mattress should be free of any bumps or lumps, and the springs should not be able to be felt through the surface of the mattress. 

6. The Mattress Is Sagging in the Middle

If your mattress is sagging in the middle, it’s probably time to replace it. A good-quality mattress should retain its shape and provide even support throughout. If you notice that your mattress is sagging or lumpy, it has lost its ability to support your body correctly. 

7. The Edges of the Mattress Are Sagging or Drooping

The edges of the mattress should be firm and provide support when you sit or sleep on them. If the edges are sagging or drooping, it could be a sign that the structure of the mattress has weakened and needs to be replaced. Sagging edges can make getting in and out of bed difficult and cause back and neck pain. 

8. The Mattress Wasn’t Well-Cared For

Proper mattress care is essential for ensuring longevity and comfort. Best practices include rotating the mattress every three months, using a protective cover to protect it from dust and other particles and avoiding using any harsh cleaning products. If your mattress wasn’t well-cared for over the years, it might be time to invest in a new one. 

9. You Recently Started Snoring

If you’re getting complaints about snoring and never used to snore before, it could be due to your mattress. Over time, mattresses can lose their support or become lumpy and uneven, which can sometimes lead to snoring. A new mattress may help alleviate the issue.

woman awake partner snoring

Source: wavebreakmedia/

10. The Firmness Level Is Wrong for You

Mattresses come in various firmness levels, and it’s essential to find one that is right for you. If you’re sleeping on a mattress that is too soft or too firm, it can cause back and neck pain and make it difficult to get comfortable. For example, a pillow top mattress is an excellent choice for side sleepers, providing extra cushioning and support. On the other hand, a firmer mattress is better for back sleepers who need more support. If you think the firmness level of your current mattress isn’t ideal for you, it’s time to look into a new one. 

11. You’ve Had Your Mattress for 10+ Years

No matter how well you care for your mattress, it won’t last forever. Over time, mattresses can lose their shape, comfort and ability to provide support. Generally, experts recommend replacing your memory foam mattresses and innerspring mattresses every 8-10 years. The only significant exception to this rule concerns latex mattresses, which can last up to 20 years.

Final Thoughts on Knowing When to Replace Your Mattress

If you are having trouble sleeping, experiencing aches and pains in the morning or simply feeling like it’s been a while since you’ve upgraded, it may be time to buy a new mattress. A quality mattress should provide support and comfort for many years but, eventually, it will wear down. Replacing your mattress can help ensure you get a good night’s sleep every night. And remember to research old mattress disposal for your area and be responsible with your old mattress. Then, with the right bed, you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.