The City Mattress Blog

Fluff Up for Fun! Celebrate International Pillow Fight Day with City Mattress


It's almost time to unleash your inner child and whack away with the softest weapons on Earth – pillows! That's right, International Pillow Fight Day is upon us, happening this year on Saturday, April 6th.

City Mattress wants you to enjoy this playful day safely and comfortably. So dust off those pillows, fluff them up, and get ready for some feathery fun!

Here are some tips to make your Pillow Fight Day epic:

  • Safety First! Use only soft, clean pillows. No feathers or foreign objects allowed!
  • Find a Pillow Fight: Check online or social media for organized events in your area.
  • Get Creative: Rock a fun costume or decorate your pillows with slogans.
  • Protect Your Head: Wear a hat or bandana to avoid stray feathers in your hair.
  • Mind Your Surroundings: Be aware of your surroundings and avoid hitting anything breakable.
  • Embrace the Fun: Most importantly, have a blast and relive some childhood joy!

City Mattress: Your Comfort Partner for Every Day

After a day of friendly feathery combat, you'll definitely want to retreat to a soft and supportive haven. At City Mattress, we have a vast selection of pillows and mattresses to ensure a good night's sleep – no matter how energetic your Pillow Fight Day was!

So come visit us today and find the perfect pillows for your next fight (or just a great night's sleep). From comfy down to hypoallergenic options, we have something for everyone.

Happy Pillow Fighting from City Mattress!