The City Mattress Blog

How to Wake Someone up (Nicely!) - City Mattress

How to Wake Someone up (Nicely!)

As you well know by now, sleeping on a high-quality, supportive mattress is the best way to get a great night of sleep. This means not only falling asleep quickly,...

How to Wake Someone up (Nicely!)

Cool, Dark, and Quiet: The 3 Keys to a Slumber Oasis - City Mattress

Cool, Dark, and Quiet: The 3 Keys to a Slumber Oasis

If you’re looking up ways to get better sleep, you will find plenty of advice. You can and should be sleeping on a high-quality and supportive mattress, of course. Beyond...

Cool, Dark, and Quiet: The 3 Keys to a Slumber Oasis

How to Wake Yourself Up in the Morning - City Mattress

How to Wake Yourself Up in the Morning

It seems like some people are just a “morning person” while others are not. There is science to back this up. Sleeping patterns, sleep cycles behaviors, and characteristics all vary...

How to Wake Yourself Up in the Morning

Why Does my Cat Sleep on Me? - City Mattress

Why Does my Cat Sleep on Me?

Your cat probably loves sleeping more than just about anything else. Cats average between 15 and 20 hours of sleep a day, so everything about sleep is incredibly important to...

Why Does my Cat Sleep on Me?